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Hear From My Clients About Their Experience Working With Me



"I Feel at Ease... I now understand how I am going to achieve the goals I have for myself ... She taught me how I Manifest...AND Helped me Understand Myself More ...

She has given me incredible tools that I will be able to use to THRIVE for the rest of My LIFE"

- Jesi Carrol MindSet Coach & Design



"It's allowed me to grow my business in a way that feels really good -- really true and authentic."


"I'm now the practitioner that I always wanted to be --  I've been able to gain the confidence to put myself out there and really own my talents and my passions." 

- Jolie Pecoriello DOM


"Absolutely do it! You might feel some resistance but things will change for you but I tell you, it will get better. you arrive, you come into yourself...You get to experience what it feels like to be part of everything.."

"The work is amazing, Janice is amazing and then you start to find your people, your soul family" 

- Kelly Gould | Attorney, Women's Empowerment Coach | Healer




"I've never come across a coach that also knows business that can also help activate my intuition because I have that to focus and someone helping me uncover that power so it can be stronger and so that I can trust in it, most importantly. Sometimes the biggest problem was that I could not trust my own power.

Annette Mariel | Hormone Optimization Consultant
đź’šHolisticClean Beauty


"Janice is one of the most in-tune and powerful healers and teachers that I've ever come into contact with."

"The healing that takes place by working with her is profound and lasting. I now feel clarity and a sense of calm, joy, love, and it's REAL" 

- Jackie Evans Yoga Instructor & Trainer




"In just a couple of short weeks, I’ve actually found my energy to be completely shifting and my connection to my highest self.
She has helped me reconnect with my intuition, my magic and connect with the soul of the world.

Janice is such a gift; she is the most miraculous, generous and loving healers."

Merritt Minnemeyer
Founder & Creator of Master One Coaching

Oh and check out what these people have to say:

Jasinta Sanchez

Founder of A Healing Touch Albuquerque, NM


All I really ever wanted was to be a healer and move out of my hometown but had zero confidence to take the leap. Janice helped me see my Destiny and helped me align to it. That’s all I needed.

Since then I have fully embodied me as a healer AND I have moved to Portland from Albuquerque! I am totally confident as a healer and share my gifts with all my clients.

Gretchen Pritts

This is POWERFUL work.

"Janice is AMAZING! Her destiny retrieval process knocked my socks off! I wanted to work with Janice so I could uncover an understanding on what I am to be doing in this life. Throughout the process she cleared and released so much for me. From past lives of not feeling worthy to current life of fear of being seen - Janice uncovered it all and helped me work through it. This is POWERFUL work. By the end of the process, we ended up totally not where I thought we would, but exactly where I know is right for me. I now have actionable steps on what to ask the Universe for and to stake my claim for what I want. If you are feeling stuck or uncertain about where you want to go in the future, RUN to a session with Janice. The results are AMAZING! I can't wait to see how it all unfolds."

Suzie Nixon

I felt a connection with my true self

My session with Janice was enlightening! She was able to detect so many things about me that I was amazed, thoroughly engaged, and wanting more. Janice shared her insights regarding my primary way of operating energetically, my guides, the effects of current and past relationships, and childhood wounds. By the end of the session, I felt a connection with my true self, inspiring me to shift into a destiny that is radiant and magnanimous. I highly recommend spending time with Janice to experience her gifts

Annette Mariel

" Janice, you literally gave me the tools to uncover my own greatness far quicker than I could have ever done by myself. "

H. Allen

"I wanted to receive $7000 extra monthly income, and I easily exceeded that. after working with Janice"



Money well spent! I have worked with many healers and none saw what you did! Thank you for clearing it out of my system and aligning me with my destiny. I am so excited!

Stephanie Kroack

RECEIVED $111,000

We have several profitable yoga studios. We were expanding our business but had road block after road block getting the funding we needed and closing on our third location.

Janice helped me clear the blocks to receiving our funding and close on our next location. It was amazing the energy we had to clear - lots of it!

Michelle Holdt

San Francisco, CA The Art Self Love

That was the best kind of juicy magic medicine I have experienced

I just wanted to a sweet thank you! You did amazing work yesterday, really reset my nervous system and removed my toxic narrative. I feel like a completely grounded joyful person.

That was the best kind of juicy magic medicine I have experienced. Exactly what I needed.

Rob Grover

Legal matter to be resolve with ease and grace

“Janice helped me clear karmic and ancestral energies that were holding me back from feeling peace, calmness and serenity around a legal matter that needed to be tended to with a fully open heart. This allowed me to embody unconditional trust in myself and in the Divine so that myself and my family could close one chapter of our lives for even greater prosperity, allowing us to open up our very own retreat center. I was able to be grounded, calm, clearly concise and compassionately understanding to allow the legal matter to be resolve with ease and grace and we received the best outcome so we can move forward with opening our doors to our center.”

Julie Kellogg

I feel more attuned, sleeping better, more centered and grounded

I’m always open to digging deeper and working on things for myself. Janice felt every bit of my energy – every fluctuation, every time I grounded more – everything. She picked up on issues I’ve been working on, and facilitated the uncovering other things that needed cleared up; then helped me finally move through and beyond those things. I could instantly feel the shift in my energetic body, and that’s always a super feeling! She had a lot of insight into why I was holding on to these things, and that has really helped me realign my processes and change my perspective. I have never felt more seen, and encouraged to examine and explore my soul and physical body so as to weave them together with care and intention.
Since our appointment, I’ve felt more attuned, I’ve been sleeping better, and my busy mind has quieted down. That’s a pretty big deal in only three days. I also feel more centered and grounded, and as though I can see more clearly for myself.

Having a dance with my destiny was an extremely eye opening experience. In the work I do, I help others in a similar aspect; but I’d failed to see it all for myself. I was able to connect with the part of me who already has all that I desire. Janice guided me into integrating those aspects of myself to help clear the way for me to use my own gifts to create for myself, not just for those I work with. We brought my destiny to me in a sense of who I am and what I’m doing so I can integrate and embody all that I am.

Removing these blocks and limitations has set me on a new path, and I’ll be forever grateful for her loving and caring work.


“I have a renewed sense of peace and calm…. I don’t think I have ever felt this way. I like it.”


“Clear Karma felt like a gift from the heavens. My body is tingling and I feel free from drama.”


“ I can now more easily shift from stressed, negative, and upset to joyful, fulfilled and grateful.”


“21 Days of Healing….WOW! There were days I woke up and knew I was being worked on. The pain in my joints have disappeared and my thoughts have changed from constantly negative to enjoying life. I even got the job I wanted.”


“I have spent thousands of dollars on my anxiety and depression but working with Janice has been the only thing that has helped. I feel happy! Honestly, I thought I would never feel happy again! This has changed my life! I am so grateful! Thank You! Thank You!


Boston, MA

“I have felt remarkable since our session…. I love this process, it’s done so much more for me than years of therapy. ”


“I couldn’t sleep for years. My insomnia is gone. I have been sleeping like a baby.”


“I don’t feel afraid anymore! Facing my Destiny was the coolest thing I have ever done and helped me release any doubt I have had about my future.”


“Since starting this program all my relationships seem easier. No one has changed, I just don’t get triggered like I use to.”

Kurt Lucero

I feel better than I have in a long time.”


"I don't always see things but I sure felt it. Thank you." *

Jordana G

"This feels like magic. I am happier than I have ever been."


"My work with Janice changed my life. I feel more confident in myself and in relationships. I went from single and depressed with thoughts that I would never find love to someone who is happily in love - but the best part is, I didn't have to lose myself to meet the guy of my dreams.

Sadia in Scarborough

"Ohhh my this process was soo divinely beautiful. I saw a face I'm familiar with and my soul family was sighing. Deeply releasing and sneezed so loudly that it scared my little one badly! Lol Thank you Janice." *


"So grateful for this call. And all the activations I have received. I feel so close to Jesus. I saw him as my helper to guide me. Thank you much loveeeeeee." *


"I felt like I was holding my soulmate in my embrace during the process. How I wish it could come true (crying)." *


"I totally feel that. My solar plexus is on fire." *


"Wow Janice, that was amazing. <3 thank you so much <3 " *


Money well spent. I have worked with many healers and none saw what you did! Thank you for finally clearing it out of my system

Kate Ater

DOM Albuquerque, NM

I am so grateful for Janice and the work that she is doing. I have learned to forgive myself for not trying it sooner ;)

Cristin Cox

Wellness Coach

Janice is a very talented psychic and healer. Her compassion for her clients is evident to everyone she works with. Not only is she extremely accurate, but the information comes from a loving place that gives her clients peace of mind and a sense of harmony and balance

Susie Buckley

Being in Janice's 'Manifest your soulmate' circle / class felt like just the right balance between a group of caring and interested friends sharing somewhat-uncharted waters and a real class with a teacher and homework. But Janice was sometimes more wise old grandma than formal teacher (although coincidentally – younger than all of us in the group!). She provided gentle, nurturing but firm, leadership and reminders to stick to a simple set of guidelines that she had to remind some of us about more than once!

There was enough wiggle room for each of us to interpret her guidance and tailor it to what fit for our own path. The power of focused intention-setting can be impressive! I found my true love seven months ago, which was about three months after the end of our nearly 5-month class. He feels like the one I have been waiting for for a long time. It appears very much to be a mutual feeling with him and the whole situation is relaxed, flowing and natural. We are grateful every day!

C. Tracy

Let me start by saying first that Janice is one amazing, beautiful spirit. She is down to earth, a very dear friend and awesome intuitive healer.

A few years ago, I had been searching for my soul mate and Janice knew exactly where to begin the process to find him. She just knew and could SEE me. The real ME... I was stuck in a rut of my past and held on to the negative energy without really knowing it! Janice knew though....

Janice's clairvoyant intuition and incredible ability to connect with her spiritual guides, was able to help me heal the past hang ups, reconnect with my own spiritual guides and bring love back into my life. Janice really understands the art of listening with her heart and will guide you to true love in your life. Believe me when I tell you this, it wasn't easy but was EASY all at the same time.

She was able to calmly walk me through the hard part of looking into my past and help me talk to my spiritual guides again. She gave me homework I could understand and do!,(writing a story about your past.. 10 pages btw), and guide me through the process of finding love again. It took some time, but I started to SEE me again.

When my soulmate arrived, I was ready for this journey. I was vulnerable yet strong, open minded and willing to accept who I am now in my life. Janice meditatively brought the answers I needed and gave me a clear understanding of how the process of loving yourself can manifest the love you deserve to receive.

I highly recommend working with Janice and allow her to SEE you too. My love and I are very happy and going on two years now. What I think the best part of Janice's talents in bringing true love to your life is learning that she is really teaching you to truly love yourself.


Portland, Oregon

“Writing a letter to the universe is powerful. Janice guided us expertly through the process.The universe always provides and it did for me. Be mindful what you wish for! Within a two month period I met my present partner and we have been together ever since.

Thank you Janice for believing in us and our process. Your workshops are powerful and authentic.”


Janice is an amazing healer. I have used her services for clarity and healing for a few issues in my life. Each time, Janice has had amazing insight and intuition enlightening me as to better direction and/or healing issues that come up. A few times my initial ideas of what need healing are incorrect and she opens my eyes to deeper wounds that are at the heart of my questions and healing. She is very good at what she does and I always leave with a more open heart, better clarity and direction!

Michelle Holdt

Working with Janice is amazing! She is wise, thoughtful, extremely intuitive and has truly helped me work through some very important patterns. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for healing on the physical, spiritual, or emotional fronts. Quick make an appointment with her right away!

Zoe Nye

I have known Janice as a friend and guardian for twenty-two years. Recently, I was made aware of certain blockages and karmic patterns in both my physical and emotional body regarding self-love. Her clairvoyance was clear to me and I felt that she was a safe and intuitive guide for overcoming the hurdles I felt before me.

We went through a process of exercises to begin a dialogue with different parts of myself that were hurting and, as these conversations deepened, Janice guided me through making peace with them, making them feel loved, and integrating them into my whole self. We worked on multiple energetic fields, including undercurrents in the physical realm and things I had taken on in past lives.

After the session, there was a clear feeling of lightness. I felt my energy and perception had shifted towards a trajectory of self-love and kindness. Janice Noehulani is a powerful spiritual guide in the opening up of one’s channels to let the grace and compassion that everyone deserves flow in.

I am forever grateful for what she has aided me in doing.

Jennifer Loli

The patience and support Janice embodies is inspiring—a true gift to be experienced. No matter what you’re going through, Janice creates and maintains a safe, comfortable environment. I laugh and cry when I’m with Janice.

Sharing those vulnerable moments with her helps me align with my truth and the work we’re destined to do together.

Before I went to see Janice, I felt less grounded. I went in for her wisdom and insight and to experience her comforting, authentic approach to healing. I needed resolution and clarity.

After my session, I felt supported and empowered.

Janice’s gift makes you feel like you can be yourself, experience your truth and embrace warrior-goddess strength! I felt lightness, fun and serenity after our session.

Janice is able to work with anyone who is willing to look at themselves and have a unique experience. She is warm and comfortable meeting people just as they are.

Remain open-minded, and you will benefit from Janice’s unique work.

Jenny Gallucci

My session with Janice was insightful and powerful. When doing this inner work, the only prompt you can lean against is the notion that you’re safe. Janice will guide you through the journey.

You have to surrender to vulnerability and trust. If you can, you’ll reap remarkable understanding. Janice holds a deep connection for you and your breath. Follow that connection, and free yourself from desired outcomes.

I highly recommend Janice. She is solid, deeply intuitive and skilled. She leads sessions with compassion.

As a result of my time with Janice, I have befriended a piece of my self that’s long been neglected and unseen. It’s a reunion of sorts, and my dreams reveal a celebration of that connection.

Katya Miller

John is the love of my life. He moved from northern California, where he lived for thirty years, to be with me in Tucson. He blames our relationship on the magic that we did in Albuquerque to find our soul mates. Your guidance worked for him and me to find each other and live happily ever after. At least, that’s the plan two years in...