Work with Janice Noehulani
Shamanic Love Coach | Psychic Energy Healer | Spirit Guide I Relationship Repair Specialist

Reclaim your love, power, peace, & prosperity
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There are several ways to work with Janice, click the button to book a session that is right for you.
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Ready for Soul Alignment and Answers?
During your time together, Janice will help you understand what has been blocking you from the life you desire and the remedy that will help you step into a greater, more positive, flow in your life.
No subject is off limits. LOVE, MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS, STRESS, HEALTH, SEX, PURPOSE, TRAUMA, HEALING, PASSION... We can put it all on the table.
Along with powerful unfiltered messages from Source, Janice will assist you heal, understand and stop stuck patterns, programs and wounds in real time.

Introductory Session
- One 45 minute Live Zoom Call for One Person or A Couple with Janice
- Psychic Energy Healing and/or Shamanic Love Coaching
- Discovery Call . Find out what the core issue is that is blocking you from living your best life
- Establish your path forward
- ReCalibrate To Listen, Hear, Communicate, Harmony, Love
$260 Introductory Rate
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VIP Session with Janice $550
- One 60-minute 1-on-1 video call on zoom with Janice Noehulani for repeat cllientelle
- Uncover the answers to 1-3 of your most pressing life questions
- Receive a Psychic Energy Healing, Shamanic Love Coaching Session, and /or a remedy to your biggest concerns
- Experience transformation in quantum speeds
- Gain Your Own wisdom and access to your own unique abillities
- Follow up communication via text or voice message for one week to address any further questions that have surfaced

Deep Dive to Love VIP 1:1 Package $6000
- Twelve 60-minute Sessions with Janice over 3 months
- Take a deep dive into claiming the LIFE and the YOU you always knew you were meant to be.
- Demolish your blocks and patterns.
- Release ancestral burdens.
- Reclaim your best life.
- Live Your Radiant Authentic Self
- Create The Love You Desire
- Membership Into Inner Sanctuary for 12 months savings of $ 1764
- Advanced Psychic Development and Energy Healing Course
- Unlimited text support during 3 months to help in with in real time transformations
- More Info on the Deep Dive To Love